Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Dusty Road

I am walking on a dusty road,
Dusty, curvy and dark road it is
I am walking on a dusty road,
I know not where it leads

Black dust engulfs me,
I see not where I am going,
Dusty, curvy and dark road it is
I know not what I am doing

Blinded by the black dust I walk,
There is no hint of a cool breeze
I hit myself to a boulder or two
Dusty, curvy and dark road it is

Bats fly, squeak all along,
Dusty, curvy and dark road it is
I wonder why there is no one here,
Rather, I can’t see them with closed eyes

Will this road ever end?
Or I will just walk in circles?
Dusty, curvy and dark road it is
My heart, mind and body now trembles

I choose now not to think,
I care not what this brings
For now I’ll keep walking,
Dusty, curvy and dark road it is

I will walk on this dusty road,
Dusty, curvy and dark road it is
I will walk on this dusty road,
I care not where it leads.

Monday, 1 April 2013


 Those stunned eyes, sang a song,
The world didn't hear it though,
 Without a notice, moved along.

I did of course, hear the song,
And to hear it I always do long,
My ears are now full of that voice,
I would just stop in time there, if given a choice.
The world didn't hear it though,
Without a notice, moved along.

Those stunned eyes, asked me how,
How that is this always happens,
How to answer this question I wonder,
There is no answer, I now surrender.
The world didn't hear it though,
Without a notice, moved along.

Let the whole world, fall apart now,
Let the aliens take over this human land,
Let whales start walking on the sand,
For me, it matters least,
Till I am able to hear the song.
The world doesn’t hear it still,
Without a notice, moves along.

But then, how can the world hear the voice,
Or read the mind,
Or search the soul,
Or see the awe in those eyes,
Coz mine alone and mine they are,
To me alone they are meant to be.

Those stunned eyes sang a song,
To me alone, this song was heard,
The world didn't and can never hear it though,
Without a notice, moves along.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Halted Train

I know not what is happening,
I know not if this indeed is pain,
Sitting in a halted train,
I am waiting for it to move again.

I know not why I am enveloped by the clouds,
A bit of sunshine I do desire,
Sitting inside a circle of fire,
I am waiting for this gloom to retire.

I know not the reason for these reason less woes,
The reason perhaps, hidden in the shadows,
I should brace through this path alone,
I am waiting for a bit of light to be shown.

I do know the reason perhaps,
For these very strange happenings inside me.
I do know the reason perhaps,
For those tears which I am scared to shed.
I do know the reason perhaps,
For walking alone on this twisty curvy path.
I do know the reason perhaps,
For running away from myself so.

Guide me, oh Lord,
Relieve me of this pain,
Sitting in a halted train,
I just wish it moves again.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

All these years...

All these years, there might have been darkness,
All these years, there might have been pain,
All these years, I may have been chained,
Now, at once, my life has changed.

Flowers are blooming in the walks of my life,
Flowers those are forever beautiful,
Those which will never wither or fall.
I’ll stand tall, and enjoy their fragrance,
Coz, now, at once, my life has changed!

It doesn't matter, if there is dark,
Coz now I see a light behind it all!
It doesn't matter if there is pain,
Coz now I sense a joy in that pain!
It doesn't matter if I am chained,
Coz now I know that can’t leave me maimed!
Now at once, my life has changed!
All these years, whatever might or might not have,
Now it all sums up to-
Yes! My life has indeed changed!