Monday, 25 March 2013

Halted Train

I know not what is happening,
I know not if this indeed is pain,
Sitting in a halted train,
I am waiting for it to move again.

I know not why I am enveloped by the clouds,
A bit of sunshine I do desire,
Sitting inside a circle of fire,
I am waiting for this gloom to retire.

I know not the reason for these reason less woes,
The reason perhaps, hidden in the shadows,
I should brace through this path alone,
I am waiting for a bit of light to be shown.

I do know the reason perhaps,
For these very strange happenings inside me.
I do know the reason perhaps,
For those tears which I am scared to shed.
I do know the reason perhaps,
For walking alone on this twisty curvy path.
I do know the reason perhaps,
For running away from myself so.

Guide me, oh Lord,
Relieve me of this pain,
Sitting in a halted train,
I just wish it moves again.