Saturday, 12 September 2015

Is this fair?

In cross roads I am,
You give me a dead end
You give me free fall
And you ask me to choose?
You give me a hungry tiger
You give me a trampeling elephant
And you ask me to choose?
You give me pitch darkness
You give me blinding light
And you ask me to choose?

You are the giver, ain't you?
Are you eternally so?
Or am I singled out?
Am I a sinful soul?
Or this is a happy coincidence?

You tell me now, you
What more have you in store?
You tell me now, you
What else have you quietly woven?
You tell me now, you

Is this all?
Is there more?
Is this fair?

Thursday, 3 September 2015

I don't know why I am feeling so

I don’t know why I am feeling so
Like a lost puppy in a market full of people
Squealing and running in-between huge legs
Trying to find its master’s scent

I don’t know why I am feeling so
Like a lonely bird caught in a hunter’s net
Cawing and squawking endlessly
Trying its best to fly away

I don’t know why I am feeling so
Like a captive prisoner in a pitch black room
I don’t know why I am feeling so
Like a tiny fish taken out of sea

I don’t know why I am feeling so
Like the walls are closing on me
Like there is no escape route
Like my world is about to end.