Friday 6 March 2015

Walks and You...

I started this walk,
Slow and steady,
Watching every step,
I knew not what lay ahead,
I knew not where it leads,
I was cautious,
I was careful,
Scared to get to a fast pace,
Lest I lose, before begin of the race.

Now I have come,
I know not where,
I know not what lies ahead,
But my steps are now steady,
I am no more scared.

Now I ramble while I walk,
I can’t stop my talk,
I take fast paced steps,
I even dare to run,
Keeping my eyes blindfolded.

Coz now I realize,
At every step, at every twist and every turn,
No longer am I alone,
Coz now is there with me,
The eternal sunshine,
Ever bright, forever mine,
Inexhaustible bundle of love,
Packed and wrapped and handed over to me,
Now all fears, all pain, has nothing but to flee,
Coz nothing can hurt me,
At the happy place I am with thee!